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Final Modular Unit Plan - Dighton Elementary School 2018-2019

An email regarding the modular plan for DES was recently sent to parents. This information is important to parents of both Dighton Elementary School & Dighton Middle School. In case you missed it, here is the copy:

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am excited to tell you that at last night's school committee meeting, both Mrs. Dessert and Mrs. Fullen presented the attached PowerPoint presentation (click HERE to view). We understand the angst created by the building needs at DES and your concerns for your child (ren). However, last night’s presentation was able to answer numerous questions about the configuration of DES with or without modular classrooms.

In view of that, Mrs. Dessert and Mrs. Fullen will continue to work hard and diligently to make this an amazing year for our children. We will be monitoring this plan carefully through the first few months of school and tweaking if necessary to make sure kids are safe and in the best possible learning environment.

The school committee voted 10 to 0 to support the proposal as presented. Also in attendance at last night's school committee meeting were parents, staff members, Dighton's Town Administrator, members of the Board of Selectman and Finance Committee. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.


Dr. Azar

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